Trade Resources Industry Views Gerdau S.A. Reported Wednesday That Shipments of Steel Products Reached 4.5 Million Mt

Gerdau S.A. Reported Wednesday That Shipments of Steel Products Reached 4.5 Million Mt

Gerdau S.A. reported Wednesday that shipments of steel products reached 4.5 million mt in the second quarter of 2014, a reduction of 2.4 percent when compared to Q2 2013.

 Net Sales reached R$10.4 billion in Q2 2014, an increase of 5.7 percent when compared to the same quarter of 2013.

 Second quarter EBITDA reached R$1.2 billion. The EBITDA margin reached 11.2 percent in Q2 2014, lower than 12.1 percent recorded in Q2 2013, due to the weaker performance of the Brazil and Special Steel BOs, which was partially offset by the better performance of the North America BO.

 Net Income totaled R$393 million in Q2 2014, compared to R$401 million in the Q2 2013. Investments in fixed assets totaled R$ 478.7 million for the quarter. Net Debt was R$12.5 billion on June 30, 2014, representing 2.4 times the last twelve months EBITDA.



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Gerdau Posts Higher Sales Income in Q2 But Lower Shipments
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