The US Army and Corps of Engineers achieved a milestone on 22 August when more than 600 interested attendees participated in the pre-proposal conference for the $7 billion Renewable and Alternative Energy Power Production for Department of Defense Installations Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC).
The capacity crowd bodes well for the Defense Department's ambitious goal to deploy 3GW of renewable energy, including solar, wind, biomass or geothermal, on Army, Navy and Air Force installations by 2025.
The Army's goal is 1GW of that total. These goals support the broader Defense Department goal to enhance installation energy security and reduce installation energy costs.
The Corps of Engineers, through its Engineering and Support Center, issued the MATOC Request for Proposal on 7 August for $7 billion in total contract capacity to procure reliable, locally generated, renewable and alternative energy through power purchase agreements. The $7 billion capacity would be expended for the purchase of energy over a period of 30 years or less from renewable energy plants that are constructed and operated by contractors using private sector financing.
The solicitation closes 5 October.
The conference provided representatives from industry with an overview of the MATOC RFP and Corps of Engineers' general procurement process and offered an opportunity for a questions and answers session. All presentations, questions and answers will be posted as an amendment to the solicitation on the Federal Business Opportunities website. A video of the conference will be posted to the US Army Energy Initiatives Task Force website.