Trade Resources Industry Views Artist Luke Jerram Uses Tiny Vacuum-Sealed Paddles

Artist Luke Jerram Uses Tiny Vacuum-Sealed Paddles

Tags: chandelier

Artist Luke Jerram uses tiny vacuum-sealed paddles which rotate when sunlight hits them - causing chandelier to shimmer as the rays hit.

The world's largest solar chandelier was unveiled at a British science park powered by 700 glass bulbs which light up when exposed to sunlight.

Each bulb contains an individual Crookes radiometer, tiny metal paddles which spin when hit by sunlight, causing the 15ft-high light to shimmer and flicker.

It is the centrepiece of the newly-opened Bristol & Bath Science Park in Emerson's Green, Bristol, a world-class centre for science and technology businesses.

Flittering in the light: World's largest 'solar chandelier' shimmers thanks to tiny paddles which spin when sunlight hits them

Flittering in the light: The world's largest solar chandelier has tiny 'paddles' that react to sunlight - causing it to flicker gently

Flittering in the light: World's largest 'solar chandelier' shimmers thanks to tiny paddles which spin when sunlight hits them_1

Glow in the dark: While the chandelier is lit via electricity in the evening, sunlight from the chandelier is used kinetically during the day, causing a shimmering appearance

Flittering in the light: World's largest 'solar chandelier' shimmers thanks to tiny paddles which spin when sunlight hits them_2

The chandelier is made from 700 glass Crookes radiometers, individual glass bulbs containing metal paddles that spin when powered by sunlight

Artist Luke Jerram, who created the giant structure, is renowned for his extravagant installations - his ongoing 'Play Me I'm Yours' exhibition has seen more than 700 grand pianos placed in cities across the world.

He said: 'Scientists and artists often start by asking similar questions about the natural world but end up with completely different answers.

'Both have to take a leap from what can be observed into what is unknown. It's important to explore these boundaries and limitations.

'For many years after the invention of the radiometer, a fierce debate raged about how they worked and it was many years before it was fully explained.

'They are still beautiful, inspiring and thought provoking.

'In a way, the chandelier couldn't really be anywhere else but Bristol & Bath Science Park, a place built to solve scientific riddles and to lead to innovation.'

Flittering in the light: World's largest 'solar chandelier' shimmers thanks to tiny paddles which spin when sunlight hits them_3

Artist Luke Jerram, who created the giant structure, is also responsible for the 'Play me, I'm Yours' public piano installations

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Flittering in the light: World's largest 'solar chandelier' shimmers thanks to tiny paddles which spin when sunlight hits them
Topics: Lighting