Trade Resources Industry Views cree Will Help to Lower Device Cost and Enable Adoption for Customers

cree Will Help to Lower Device Cost and Enable Adoption for Customers

Tags: SiC wafer

Cree Inc of Durham, NC, USA has announced the availability of high-quality, low-micropipe 150mm 4H n-type silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxial wafers, with highly uniform epitaxial layers as thick as 100 microns available for immediate purchase in limited quantities.

Cree Launches 150mm 4hn Sic Epiwafers

Cree reckons that this latest advance in driving the SiC materials marke to larger diameters will help to lower device cost and enable adoption for customers with existing 150mm-diameter device processing lines.

SiC semiconductor material is used in the production of a broad range of lighting, power and communication components, including LEDs, power switching devices and RF power transistors for wireless communications. Cree says that 150mm-diameter single-crystal SiC substrates enable cost reductions and increased throughput, while bolstering the continued growth of the SiC industry.

"Cree's ability to deliver high volumes of 100mm epitaxial wafers is unrivaled in the SiC industry, and our latest 150mm technology continues to raise the standards for SiC wafers," claims materials product manager Dr Vijay Balakrishna. "Our vertically integrated approach assures customers of a complete solution for high-quality 150mm SiC epitaxial wafers, providing industry leaders within the power electronics market the stable supply they demand," he adds.

Tags: Cree SiC epiwafers


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Cree Launches 150mm 4hn Sic Epiwafers
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