Trade Resources Industry Views NTP Licensed and Deployed The Dotmatics Informatics Platform

NTP Licensed and Deployed The Dotmatics Informatics Platform

NeuroTherapeutics Pharma (NTP), a biopharmaceutical company, has licensed and deployed the Dotmatics informatics platform.

According to NTP, the requirement for an informatics system, to manage the chemistry and related data, made the company assess and evaluate available solutions in the market.

The company requires a database solution to manage its R&D data in an organized and accessible way.

Dotmatics sales and marketing global head Bill Bailey said, "We are very pleased to have been selected by NTP as their informatics partner. We are looking forward to many years of collaboration and productive development with them."

Dotmatics is a scientific software company deploying web-based knowledge solutions that improve the way scientific data is queried, managed and shared within companies.


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NTP Deploys Dotmatics Informatics Platform