The latest installment of "The Hunger Games" features stars Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth in military boots designed by Naot.
The Dafna Scout style, a vegan shoe made of canvas and rubber soles, retails for $90 and will be available for both men and women in February 2015.
On Nov. 25, FN wrote:
"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1" is here, and United Nude scored prime placement onscreen.
The brand's Nova rose-gold style is worn in several scenes by Elizabeth Banks' character, Effie Trinket.
Here, FN catches up with United Nude Creative Director and Co-Founder Rem D. Koolhaas.
Why is this movie great for United Nude?
RDK: More people can see our product, in a particular and fashion-styled context.
Do you anticipate an increase in product requests?
RDK: This is a very special Zaha Hadid for United Nude limited-edition design. We only produced 100 per color, in three colors. Most people buying them are art or shoe collectors. Perhaps if they watch the film, they'll buy some of the very few pairs that are left.
Are you a fan of the series?
RDK: I haven't seen the new one yet, but I really like the first and second movies. For the second ["The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"], we made a pair of Iris Van Herpen and United Nude for Elizabeth Banks.