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LED Modules

Tags: LED Module, ERCO
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB

An LED mo­du­le con­sists of the in­di­vi­du­al LEDs sol­de­red onto a prin­ted cir­cuit board or PCB. ERCO sour­ces the LEDs glo­bal­ly from re­pu­ta­ble ma­nu­fac­tu­rers, spe­ci­fy­ing the lu­mi­nous flux, lu­mi­nous ef­fi­ca­cy, co­lour ren­di­ti­on, co­lour tem­pe­ra­tu­re (i.e. co­lour of light) and con­sis­ten­cy in mass pro­duc­tion. The choice of sui­ta­ble LEDs and their ar­ran­ge­ment on the PCB de­pends on the ac­tu­al light­ing task. In-hou­se PCB de­sign al­lows op­ti­mi­sa­ti­on of the com­ple­te sys­tem. This in­vol­ves using sui­ta­ble lay­outs for each se­pa­ra­te light in­ten­si­ty dis­tri­bu­ti­on and pre­cise moun­ting points for the se­con­da­ry lens, while also con­side­ring op­ti­mum heat dis­si­pa­ti­on from the LED chips via the PCB to the hou­sing.

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_1
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_2

PCB for op­ti­cal pro­jec­tion sys­tem
The yel­low sur­face coa­ting of the LEDs emit­ting white light is a fluo­re­scent ma­te­ri­al for lu­mi­ne­scence con­ver­si­on. Op­ti­mi­sed spa­c­ing bet­ween the LEDs as­sists the heat ma­nage­ment on the PCB. The round openings fa­ci­li­ta­te the pre­cise and safe moun­ting of the colli­ma­ting lens as part of the op­ti­cal pro­jec­tion sys­tem.

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_3
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_4

PCB for op­ti­cal re­flec­tion
Op­ti­cal sys­tems that di­rect the light via a light mixer im­pro­ve ef­fi­ci­en­cy if the PCB has a high re­flec­tan­ce. For this re­a­son PCBs are pain­ted white and the ar­ran­ge­ment of LEDs on the PCB is de­si­gned to suit the op­ti­cal sys­tem.

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_5
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_6

PCB for gra­zing light
Gra­zing light re­qui­res a li­ne­ar light sour­ce. The PCBs for fa­ca­de wa­sh­light­ing are the­re­fo­re ar­ran­ged in a line.

Neutral white and warm white


ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_7

ERCO of­fers LED lu­mi­n­ai­res in neu­tral white or warm white . This al­lows light­ing de­si­gners to select the co­lour of light to suit the ma­te­ri­al co­lours and spa­ti­al at­mo­s­phe­re or to crea­te cold-warm con­trasts.

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_8

The LED ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess re­sults in cer­tain va­ria­ti­ons in the co­lour loci of LEDs. LEDs are ac­cor­dingly sor­ted into so-cal­led "bin­nings". Uni­form light­ing qua­li­ty re­qui­res the strict selec­tion of com­po­n­ents from de­fi­ned bin­nings.

Characteristics of LEDs
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_9
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_10

Warm white LEDs
The re­la­ti­ve spec­tral dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the warm white LED with lu­mi­ne­scence con­ver­si­on is clo­se­ly re­la­ted to the re­la­ti­ve bright­ness sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the cone cells of the human eye. The re­sult is high lu­mi­nous ef­fi­ca­cy and good co­lour ren­di­ti­on.

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_11
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_12

The RGB LEDs are ideal for mi­xing high­ly sa­tu­ra­ted co­lou­red light. Howe­ver, the white light from RGB LEDs does not give sa­tis­fac­to­ry co­lour ren­di­ti­on qua­li­ty, ma­king it less sui­ta­ble for light­ing tasks where co­lour is cri­ti­cal.

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_13
ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_14

Mi­xing RGB LEDs with warm white LEDs com­bi­nes the ad­van­ta­ges of both sys­tems: RGBW lu­mi­n­ai­res pro­du­ce va­ria­ble shades of white along the Plancki­an curve with ex­cel­lent co­lour ren­de­ring, but also co­lou­red light in pas­tel hues all the way to the high­ly sa­tu­ra­ted range.

LEDs (Light Emit­ting Di­odes) are se­mi­con­duc­tor ele­ments that di­rect­ly con­vert electri­cal en­er­gy into light via elec­tro-lu­mi­ne­scence. The out­stan­ding cha­rac­te­ris­tics of LEDs in­clu­de ro­bust­ness, long func­tio­nal life and a high lu­mi­nous ef­fi­ca­cy with high po­ten­ti­al for fur­ther in­crea­se. White LED-light is free of ul­tra­vio­let and in­fra­red com­po­n­ents and the­re­fo­re has ad­van­ta­ges from a con­ser­va­ti­on point of view. Day­light white LEDs offer hig­her ef­fi­ci­en­cy, whe­re­as warm white LEDs have bet­ter co­lour ren­di­ti­on qua­li­ty. LEDs are dimma­ble and offer high swit­ching sta­bi­li­ty, ma­king them ide­al­ly sui­ted for light­ing con­trol and ad­di­ti­ve co­lour mi­xing. Un­li­ke other light sour­ces, RGB LEDs do not pro­du­ce any trans­mis­si­on los­ses through co­lour fil­ters. To ex­ploit the lu­mi­nous flux of the tem­pe­ra­tu­re sen­si­ti­ve LEDs to the full, good ther­mal ma­nage­ment is in­dis­pensa­ble.

Spectral distribution

Coloured light 

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_15

The ra­dia­ti­on spec­trum of warm white LEDs is free of ul­tra­vio­let and in­fra­red com­po­n­ents and has a re­du­ced blue com­po­nent. Its re­la­ti­ve da­ma­ge fac­tor for sen­si­ti­ve ex­hi­bits is less than for ha­lo­gen lamps with UV fil­ters, ma­king warm white LEDs re­com­men­da­ble for mu­se­um light­ing.

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_16

The sa­tu­ra­ted LED light­ing co­lours enable a wide va­rie­ty of mixed co­lours wi­t­hin the tri­ang­le of red, green and blue . LED mo­du­les with ad­di­tio­nal white LEDs, known as RGBW mo­du­les , im­pro­ve the co­lour ren­di­ti­on for the co­lours of light with re­spect to the Plancki­an locus. 

LED manufacture

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_17

Mo­dern pro­duc­tion plants for com­pound se­mi­con­duc­tor ma­te­ri­als are ge­ared to short through­put times and high pro­duc­tion quan­ti­ties. Hund­reds of LED chips are pro­du­ced from one wafer. (Photo: AIX­TRON).

ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB_18

Con­struc­tion of an LED
The small, light-pro­du­cing LED chip is fit­ted onto a large heat sink for good ther­mal ma­nage­ment. The lens takes care of the pri­ma­ry light gui­dance.

Like mi­cro­chips, LEDs con­sist of se­mi­con­duc­tor crys­tals and are pro­du­ced using si­mi­lar me­thods. The pro­duc­tion plants build up the se­mi­con­duc­tor lay­er-by-lay­er on a wafer. The upper and lower layer of the LED chip fea­tures an anode or ca­tho­de and the light is pro­du­ced from the zone in the cent­re. De­s­pi­te the use of cut­ting-edge pro­duc­tion plants, not all areas of the wafer have the same pro­per­ties of lu­mi­nous flux and co­lour lo­ca­ti­on. The re­sult is that "bin­ning", i.e. the selec­tion ca­te­go­ry after cut­ting the wafer into in­di­vi­du­al LED chips, be­co­mes es­sen­ti­al. ERCO only uses LEDs of the hig­hest grade and with iden­ti­cal cha­rac­te­ris­tics in its lu­mi­n­ai­res.


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ERCO LED Modules - Con­sists of The In­di­vi­du­al LEDs Sol­de­red Onto a Prin­ted Cir­cuit Board or PCB
Topics: Lighting