One of the major hurdles to high-end VR adoption has been the stifling requirement need for a specced-out personal computer.
At the Oculus Connect conference last month, the Facebook-owned firm announced an update that would lower the Oculus Rift entry level.
Well that Asynchronous Spacewarp feature is now here, meaning Rift-fanciers can now run the headset on a PC costing as little as $500 (about £400).
In a post on the Oculus VR blog, the company explained: “Today we’re launching Asynchronous Spacewarp (ASW), a technique that extrapolates frames and lets VR titles run at up to half rate, while delivering a visual experience that’s almost as good as native 90hz rendering!
“This means lower-end machines can more easily power Rift, which opens up a new minimum spec."
That minimum spec makes it possible to run right with an Nididia GTX 960 card and an i3 processor. Previously the combination of a GTX 970 (or equivalent) and a Core i5 processor were required.
One of the first PCs to launch approved by Oculus is the $499 CyberPower PC. It has not yet gone on sale.
However, this update does open the door for those building their own Rift rig to do so for half the expense.