Trade Resources Industry Views Parrot Is Showing off Its Latest Two Wheeled 'robot Insect' and 'miniature' Flying Drone

Parrot Is Showing off Its Latest Two Wheeled 'robot Insect' and 'miniature' Flying Drone

Parrot Unveils New APP Driven Toys at CES

Jumping Sumo can launch itself 80cm into the air and MiniDrone is a pint-sized version of AR Drone 2.0


Parrot, the firm behind the renowned AR Drone, is showing off its latest two wheeled 'robot insect' and 'miniature' flying drone, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The Jumping Sumo travels on two wheels and can make sharp 90 degree turns. However, its key selling point, reports the BBC, is its ability to launch itself 80cm in to the air. Meanwhile, the MiniDrone is a pint-sized version of Parrot's AR Drone 2.0, utilising four plastic rotors to fly. Both toys can be controlled using a smartphone or a tablet. The price and the release date for both toys have yet to be revealed.

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Parrot Unveils New APP Driven Toys at CES
Topics: Toys