Cortec Corporation, a world leader in innovative, green, sustainable technologies has spent many years of dedicated experimentation to develop eco-efficient, biodegradable products made from sustainable materials that have positive effects on the environment and are safe to work with. Latest such innovation is EcoLine 3680, a certified biobased, biodegradable, ready-to-use temporary coating for multimetal protection.
EcoLine3680 is formulated with USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) renewable raw materials; which allows use for corrosion protection of equipment where incidental contact with food is possible. The product is HX-1 approval pending.
This green inhibitor provides premium indoor and outdoor multimetal protection. When applied on the surface, it leaves a tenacious, dry-to-touch protective coating, which provides excellent protection on metal surfaces. The film is self-healing and moisture-displacing, providing superior protection even against aggressive environments. This wax-like film can be removed with alkaline cleaners such as Cortec VpCI-414. EcoLine 3680 is safe, economical and easy to use.