Trade Resources Industry Views Several Sawmills Can Be Prevented with The Aid of Competition Law

Several Sawmills Can Be Prevented with The Aid of Competition Law

Several sawmills in North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) are checking to see of log deliveries to Klausner group can be prevented with the aid of competition law. For this reason roughly ten businesses with a combined cutting capacity of almost 1m m3 recently consulted lawyer Rolf Burdack, former director of the Association of German Sawmilling and Timber Industry (VDS), for information on the association’s previous activities with the Federal Cartel Office.

The companies draw attention to the fact that the 1.5m m3 of logs in outstanding deliveries that North-Rhine Westphalia might have to catch up on for the years 2010 to 2012 as well as the 1m m3 in forthcoming deliveries for 2013 and 2014 could jeopardise their survival. The claim for subsequent delivery for the years 2010-12 and the resumption of log deliveries in 2013 to 2014 arises in spite of the action for damages brought by Klausner against the state of North-Rhine Westphalia before Münster Regional Court on 28. December 2012. The claim asserted in the action only covers damages Klausner suffered in 2009.



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Supplies to Klausner to Be Prevented by Competition Complaint
Topics: Construction