Trade Resources Industry Views New DNA-VIEW Electrophoresis System Can Recover Your DNA in Real-Time

New DNA-VIEW Electrophoresis System Can Recover Your DNA in Real-Time

Now you can recover your DNA in real-time, as your gel runs, with the new DNA-VIEW Electrophoresis System from Alpha Laboratories Ltd. This versatile, portable, self contained horizontal gel electrophoresis system has an adapted lid, containing an orange spectral emission filter that lets you see your samples separate in real time. You can harvest the DNA of interest as soon as it enters the ‘extraction’ tier.

Combining the flexible, high resolution capabilities of the Clarit-E ® CHOICE system, with an integrated power supply and blue LED gel illuminator, DNA-VIEW provides a single convenient, time and space saving compact bench top unit.

The efficiency of DNA recovery from Ethidium Bromide and SYBR stained gels is maximised and the number of steps involved in post electrophoretic purification are reduced.

DNA-VIEW uses safe blue light to track DNA, without the risk of harmful UV causing mutagenesis or compromising cloning.

This new system saves on time-consuming gel elution techniques. Once harvested, the DNA only needs to be cleaned by a straightforward ethanol precipitation. It works with standard Ethidium Bromide, SYBR Green and SYBR Safe gels, cast within the 15x7, 15x10 or 15x15cm Clarit-E CHOICE gel trays. It does not require expensive precast gels and accessories.

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