Soon you could have access to secret information just by waving your hand. New digital signage allows you to decode invisible images by quickly moving your fingers in front of the screen.
The system, developed by Hirotsugu Yamamoto and colleagues from University of Tokushima in Japan, uses a newly developed LED panel that can display 480 images per second. In this video, a pair of images of the New Scientist logo (one black, one white) is embedded into the background. When displayed alternately at a high speed, they are invisible to the naked eye. "A hidden image is presented 10 times faster than the frame rate used at the cinema," says Yamamoto.
This video gives an impression of how the system works but in reality the decoded logo would be much more obvious. Thanks to a brain trick, the areas obscured by moving fingers would be filled in with the rest of the image. "Viewers in front of the LED panel perceive that the black regions are filled with an afterimage," says Yamamoto. The effect is much more apparent with maximum brightness.
The LED system will be presented in a few weeks at the IAS annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.