Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA) promulgated "Announcement on Applying Code for Quality Management of Engineering Construction Enterprises in Quality Management System Certification of Engineering Construction Enterprises (No.21 [2010] of the CNCA) on June 10th, 2010.
China Quality Certification Centre makes the following arrangements accordingly:
First, from August 1st, 2010, quality management system certified clients (engineering construction organizations) shall study the Announcement, collect and organize to study the Code, and additionally be ready for transition work.
Second, from November 1st, 2010, China Quality Certification Centre accepts applications, undertakes certification and auditing activities according to GB/T19001-2008 Quality Management Systems —Requirements and GB/T 50430-2007 Code for Quality Management of Engineering Construction Enterprises.
For certified engineering construction enterprises, in principle, the transition work shall be combined with re-assessment audit and the Code requirements shall be included in the audit and then transition work is done. For certified organizations with special demands, the transition work can be conducted together with annual surveillance audit. Certificates are void if the deadline is expired for transition.
Third, the standards we show in the certificates after transition are GB/T19001-2008 Quality Management Systems —Requirements and GB/T 50430-2007 Code for Quality Management of Engineering Construction Enterprises.