Trade Resources Industry Views The Ugly Indian Chooses Small Segments of Road to Fix with Their Signature "Spot Fixing"

The Ugly Indian Chooses Small Segments of Road to Fix with Their Signature "Spot Fixing"

On Saturday 12th July 2014, the Enamor sales team present in Bangalore from across the country joined hands with the Ugly Indian to rescue the degenerating underpass in KR Circle. Led by MD Mr. Sumir Hinduja, COO Ms. Preeti Gupta & VP Sales Mr. Swadhin Mishra, the team consisted of 75 personnel who were present in Bangalore for the annual Enamor conference. Bangalore Mayor Mr. B S Sathyanarayana too rolled up his sleeves and joined the Enamor team in rescuing this fast deteriorating under pass.   

Every week, The Ugly Indian chooses small segments of road to fix with their signature "spot fixing". With their groundbreaking work, a mutual association with The Ugly Indian proved to be the best fit for the brand . Associating with them was a great way for Enamor to nuture our society.

  The Ugly Indian uses "spot fixing", a quick no hassle format for the cleanup that involves tools, materials and instructions, all to be provided on the spot for volunteers. Each spot fix is self funded and volunteers are requested to make a contribution towards material costs. 

  The initiative left each and every volunteer with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction at the end of the day. The brand and their employees hope to be a part of such initiatives in the future so that they can do their bit to contribute to the welfare of the society.   

Leading by example,  Enamor has paved the way for cooperates to further contribute to society.  Thrilled with the results of this mutual association with Enamor, The Ugly Indian will look at approaching further corporates to further contribute to the initiative of a cleaner society.   


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Enamor Joins with 'ugly Indian' for Csr Initiative