Trade Resources Industry Views ZC Rubber (Thailand) First Bias Tire Production Line Rolled off

ZC Rubber (Thailand) First Bias Tire Production Line Rolled off

Recently, ZC Rubber (Thailand) Company held the rolled-off ceremony of the first bias tire production line. The general manager, Chen Hua and nearly one hundred staff witnessed the moment together. In his speech, Chen Hua expressed that the first bias tire production line rolled off had historic meanings for the company.

It is known that in the Thailand Company, the first passenger car radial tire production line rolled off on May 25, 2015, and on December 23 the same year, the first truck and bus radial tire production line rolled off.

In a special conference of radial tire, the board chairman of ZC Rubber said that they need to shift the radial tire production to Thailand.

According to the adjustment, ZC Rubber radial tire production project was put into use ahead of the middle of September, and the production capability improved from 300 per day to 600 per day.



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