Trade Resources Industry Views Micro Job Website Is in The Process of Building Its Base of Service Providers and Authors

Micro Job Website Is in The Process of Building Its Base of Service Providers and Authors

Tags: website, service

"Five-Star Author is the only micro job website that caters to the book publishing industry," says Caroline Thomas, who with her staff, operates the site. Thomas states that authors in need of anything from a Kindle ebook to a website or an agent will be able to find it all in this one location. While other sites offer services geared toward the mainstream, targets the writer and the needs that range from producing a manuscript to and through distribution and marketing.

Thomas explains that, "We are authors who realize that there is an enormous amount of work necessary to make a book a success. We have attempted to create a marketplace where authors can find the tools and services they need, provided by experts in their particular area, throughout the writing process and beyond."

Thomas adds, "We hope you find what you are looking for here at and have great success with your work. We think that the site was created with a win-win notion." The author can find affordable, professional services in one location, and micro job workers have another avenue to focus their attention on and to garner an additional source of income.

The website was officially launched February 26, 2013, and is now in the process of building its base of service providers and authors.

Authors and industry service providers can go to to take part in this collaboration. 

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New Micro Job Site Connects Authors with Publishing Industry
Topics: Service