Those of us of a certain age remember the early days of HBO, launched in 1972, when paying for TV was a novel idea. How quaint that seems in today's always-on, always connected world of three -- or is that four? -- screens (computer, television, smart phone, tablet). The pioneering movie channel is now an originator of top-shelf content like Boardwalk Empire, Curb Your Enthusiasm and (personal favorite) Deadwood that is consumed on demand on virtually any device by viewers around the world.
That HBO is so nimble and successful amidst a multiplicity of content choices and display options is due in no small measure to the vision and drive of CIO Michael Gabriel, the former NBA CIO and VP, IT for EMI-Capitol Music Group, North America. Gabriel applied the painful digital business lessons learned by the music industry to help drive development of HBO Go, which gives subscribers access to programming everywhere.
In this installment of the IDG Enterprise CIO Interview Series, Gabriel spoke with Chief Content Officer John Gallant about why it's vital for CIOs to not only understand but foresee how their businesses and customers are changing, and why professional development -- particularly around his key 'triangle' roles -- is critical to IT success. He also shared his passionate views on how business, academia and government need to work together better to ensure the development of the next generation of IT leaders and strong job growth.