Without a properly functioning optical transceiver,any computer,laptop or IT system would be rendered useless.No one understands this better than FluxLight,the online leader for computer component retail.FluxLight makes shopping for replacement transceivers hassle free thanks to their easy to navigate website which provides an amazing array of modules compatible with systems created by the leading computer manufacturers.As with all of their products,these components are offered at exclusive price points that are always discounted from the suggested retail prices.
As an industry leader,Fluxlight is in the best position to explain how the optical transceivers function."All of the various pluggable optical modules sold by FluxLight,Inc.both transmit and receive optical signals and so are referred to as optical transceivers,"they explain on their website."Each of these physical form-factors is defined in a standards document know as a Multi-Source Agreement,or MSA.Optical transceivers types can be generally grouped into those supporting transmission speeds on the order of 1Gbps and those designed to support rates in the range of 10Gbps.The 1Gbps optical transceivers form factors are known as GBICs and SFPs.Some of these devices support rates on the order of 100Mbps(Fast Ethernet and OC-3/STM-1)while others support rates of greater than 4Gbps(4G Fiber Channel and OC-48/STM-16).Optical transceivers form factors associated with 10Gbps transmission are:XFP,X2,XENPAK and SFP+."
Selecting which would be the best optical transceiver for a particular computer or IT system can often prove to be a daunting task.The trained sales staff working for FluxLight will be able to handle most inquiries into which are the recommended modules needed for compliance.These sales reps are fully qualified to answer these types of questions along with offering installation and other forms of technical support.
All of the products sold by FluxLight come with a satisfaction guarantee and special discounts on multiple orders.The company also provides free FedEx ground shipping on all domestic orders over$100.There really is no other qualified option for optical transceivers like FluxLight.
FluxLight was opened for business in 2003.Since then,they have been providing many satisfied customers with high quality fiber optic interfaces,SFPs,GBICs,and related products.The products offered by FluxLight have a broad range of networking capabilities.Among their growing list of clients are private corporations,government agencies,educational institutions,and other dealers and distributors.