Trade Resources Industry Views ICAC in Partnership with The TTF Will Organise The Icac International Seminar 2015

ICAC in Partnership with The TTF Will Organise The Icac International Seminar 2015

On the sidelines of Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in partnership with the Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) will organise the ICAC International Seminar 2015.

“The theme of the seminar is ‘The Development of Textile & Apparel Industry under the Regional Economic Integration’, a press release informed.

By entering into regional agreements, countries aim to reduce trade barriers more rapidly than can be achieved under the auspices of the WTO.

Julia Hughes, president of the United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) will be the keynote speaker and she will share her perspective of the regional economic integration on worldwide manufacturing and trade of textile and apparel industry.

The theme of the first session is ‘The Development of the Innovative Materials’ and will include Dhyana van der Pols, head of Textile Innovation and Manufacturing at the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFGSI).

Other speakers include Dr. Andy Chen, director of the Regional Sustainable Manufacturing Chemistry of the Nike Sustainable MFG Excellence, Molly Claiborne-Iskorkutan, director of the Sourcing Apparel and Materials at Adidas Sourcing Limited, Taiwan.

Nobu Ogata, manager of Technology & Development Department at Teijin Frontier Co, Japan and a representative of Far Eastern New Century Corporation will be the other speakers.

Together, these speakers will share their views from different aspects of brands and garment supply chains.

‘Adaptation of the Textile Industry to Trans-Pacific Partnership’, is the theme of the second session.

Mike Todaro, managing director of Americas Apparel Producer’s Network (AAPNetwork), Mark Green, executive vice president of Global Supply Chain at PVH and Nguyen Van Tuan, vice chairman of Vietnam Cotton and Spinning Association will take part in this session.

Thomas Travis, managing partner of Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg has also been invited for the session and they will share views about trade liberalisation and the current conditions via in-depth discussion and interaction.

The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) was established in 1939 and is headquartered in Washington, DC and has around 43 member countries.

Its main task is to provide the statistic data of global cotton production capacity, consumption, trade, and storage for the analysis of the changes in the structure of the world cotton market.

ICAC also regularly holds international forums, seminars and an annual assembly to strengthen interaction between members.

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ICAC to Host Seminar at Taiwan Textile Show