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Animal Behavior Consultant Arden Moore Can't Get Away From The Questions

Animal behavior consultant Arden Moore can't get away from the questions.

"I go all over the country," she says, "and it doesn't matter where I am. ... People seem to be interested or frustrated in why their dog or cat does what they do."

In "What Dogs Want: A Visual Guide to Understanding Your Dog's Every Move" (Firefly), Moore takes 100 common dog behaviors, expressions, noises and postures and explains what breeds the behavior is seen in, what the dog is trying to communicate and how to respond. There's also vet commentary.

"I want you to be bilingual," she says. "You can speak people, but I want you to be able to speak woof too."

She has established a pet community at but also found time to discuss why dogs do what they do. Here is an edited version of our conversation.

Q: Many of these behaviors are more entertaining than harmful. But that's part of the fun of dog ownership, figuring out what your dog is doing.

A: You've got to have a sense of humor if you have a dog because, trust me, they have a great sense of humor. They're laughing at us all the time.

Q: With a little study, are all dog behaviors explainable?

A: I never like to say all. I never do absolutes because there could be a situation in a dog's life that could be difficult to decode. But in general our companion animals are pretty consistent. ... This book is a template, and I hope it gives you the skills to have a better understanding, a better conversation with your dog. They're very good about communicating. They're consistent. They're not sneaky.

 Q: Are there things that can affect a dog's personality or behavior?

A: There could be something that traumatized that puppy that makes it extremely scared of kids, for example. Genetics does play a role, but so does their history — their puppyhood, if you will. I once had a golden retriever-husky mix. I got her when she was 2 years old. Right away, she leaped over my 6-foot fence. That's a husky. They like to roam. Guess where she went? To the front door. She liked to be home. That's a golden retriever.

 Q: Are dogs good at reading humans?

A: They're always looking at us; they always read our emotions quite well. This isn't just me talking; it's been validated in studies at the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins. They read us very well. If you're walking a dog on a leash, and you see something ahead ... and you tighten up, they notice that. They go into that vigilant mode.

Dig this

Among the 100 dog behaviors Arden Moore explores in her book is one that most dog owners experience at some time or another: burying objects. Some advice from "What Dogs Want":

What your dog wants: Your dog is following an ancestral urge. Thousands of years ago, roaming dogs did not know where their next meal would come from, so after a better-than-expected hunt, they buried surplus food to hide it from scavengers. ... Have you been too generous with treats and toys? Your dog may simply be storing extras in a safe place to retrieve later and possibly share with canine visitors. Some dogs cannot resist bling and are attracted to shiny objects, such as watches and earrings. They grab these items off counters and dash to a certain burying place. ... Dogs often engage in this grab-and-hide behavior when they are lonely, bored or seeking attention.

Vet's note: The backyard marinating of an old bone may cause stomach upset or diarrhea in your dog. Do not let your dog take edible items out to the backyard to bury for the sake of her health.

How to respond: Pick up spare toys or dog bones. Limit your dog's access to one or two toys and stash the rest away. Rotate different toys. By limiting the quantity and providing variety, you may lessen your dog's strong urge to take her treasures to the backyard. Indoors, direct her need to bury by teaching your dog to hide a favorite bone or toy under a blanket. Make it a fun game you play a few times a week.

— W.H.

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