Trade Resources Industry Views Zeppelins,Robot Slaves,an LED Lightbulb Are The Three Key Things in The Future

Zeppelins,Robot Slaves,an LED Lightbulb Are The Three Key Things in The Future

Tags: LED Bulb

When in the past they predicted the future, three key things were imagined: first, zeppelins would be tethered to every tall building. Secondly,c. And thirdly, every lightbulb would be cc.

But while we all float to work in our zeppelins served icy martinis by our robot slaves, uptake on LED lightbulbs has been a bit slower until very recently. However as one industry expert notes, LED bulbs are finally poised to make the impact so many predicted they would, and the environment - and homeowners' fuel bills - are better off for it.

"As with a lot of technology in the electrical sector, LEDs have been spoken about for a long time, but only now are they beginning to have the kind of impact so many forecast they would," said Alastair Ramsay, sustainable development manager for electrical installation experts Legrand.

"Although the technology has been developing rapidly, it is has taken some time for LEDs to become truly economically viable. Now though, they are beginning to deliver features, such as equivalent acceptable colour rendering, which matches that of the incandescent lamps they are intended to replace."

And the expert goes on to note that the key to widespread adoption of such bulbs - from LED bathroom lights to flush ceiling lights - is homeowners realising the technology offers them huge savings over the life of the bulb.

"Key to the adoption of LED lamps is the fact they will lead to a reduction in lighting electricity consumption of between 40 and 80 per cent," said the expert.

"Although the initial purchase cost is higher, buyers are rewarded by lower operating costs and a significantly longer lifespan that is typically greater than 20 times that of a traditional lamp."

The expert also notes LED lamps are a like-for-like replacement for traditional bulbs.

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LED Bulbs Are 'finally' Realising Their Potential, Says Expert
Topics: Lighting