Trade Resources Market View China Paper Bag Machinery Manufacturer Brings Gospel to Environmental Protection

China Paper Bag Machinery Manufacturer Brings Gospel to Environmental Protection

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For products to survive and even thrive in the marketplace, they have to fill a specific need from customers. One good example is paper bags who are in response to the environmental call. There is so much going on in the world with regards to creating eco-friendly packaging, the demand for paper bags is on the rise around the globe. Because of this, the demand for paper bag machine manufacturing is going up too. Here we will talk all about paper bag machines from China. We will discuss why they are on the rise, who produces them and why importing them from China.

Eco-friendly Packing on the Rise
In 2019, our planet is in the midst of a global, environmental crisis that has been caused by human factors and is threatening the safety of the earth as we know it. Because of this, there are many more consumers today who are reconsidering the products they buy and use based on their effect to the environment. There is a major trend toward everyone reducing their carbon footprint and this trickles down from consumers to the manufacturers of all kinds of products.

As consumers take a long, hard look at things like the packaging and delivery systems of what they buy, it is on manufactures to meet these new demands and put an emphasis on producing more environmentally-friendly products. Excess packing or bags made out of materials that are harmful to the environment are two good examples of old types of manufactured goods that needs to be changed in the 21st century.

There are many benefits to companies switching to more eco-friendly products like paper bags. It lowers both the companies and their consumers' carbon footprint, which means fewer carbon emissions are being released by people and companies who use these products. Paper bags are also easier to dispose of because they are biodegradable and recyclable. Producing these bags is also safer for the producer and its employees because it does not use many of the harmful chemicals that plastics do. It also shows that a company is more environmentally conscious and socially aware. Modern consumers are much more likely to take these kinds of things into account when patronizing businesses. Finally, depending on where the company is located, there are many economic incentives put in place by different countries and locales that encourage companies to be greener by providing rebate, tax credits or other types of discounts.

Plastic Bag Bans
Something that perfectly illustrates the need for manufacturers to change with the times is the growing number of places that are outright banning or otherwise putting limitations and restrictions on the use of plastic bags. Plastic shopping bags have become a pollution scourge for so many countries. These bags do a lot of damage after use, which happens after a very short time period. They are known to build up and clog sewage systems, plug drainage and lead to flooding and standing water and it is estimated by experts that they kill up to 100,00 marine mammals on a yearly basis. Because of these issues, many places are putting laws or taxes into place to combat this wide-spread problem.

Around the world, there are more than 30 countries, including more than half of the African continent, who have a full plastic ban bag in place. There are around 20 additional countries who have implemented additional taxes on plastic bags. The U.S., Canada, and Australia do not have a national policy on plastic bags but they are either banned or taxed in certain states and provinces in each country.

The number of countries doing away with or making it more difficult to use plastic bags is already high and these numbers will only grow in the coming years. For these reasons, producing the much more eco-friendly paper bags for packaging, retail, grocery shopping, and more is a must for manufacturers.

Paper Bag Machinery
With all the overwhelming evidence that shows the need for producing paper bags, the next step is to find the right paper bag machinery to produce the quantity and quality of paper bags you need to the specifications you need as well. The best place to find the type of paper bag machines you need is This site has a wide range of paper bag producing machines from a wide variety of companies.

These providers offer all types of paper bag producing machines to fit any of your specific needs. There are machines that produce a single type of bag and machines that are versatile enough to easily switch between styles. Most of these machines can be customized to fit your businesses production methods.

The majority of the machines you find on are high speed and fully automatic. They can make products that range from the standard, brown paper bag to paper bags that come in a multitude of colors, shapes, sizes and more. They can be fully made from paper or can include clear windows as well. There are machines that specialize in food grade paper bags and ones that make bags for retail and other non-food related industries. Some of the top paper bag making machines on the site include:

Square Bottom Paper Bag Making Machine
Block Bottom Paper Bag Machine
Paper Bag with Handle Making Machine
Paper Bag Machine With Twist Handle
Paper Food Bag Making Machine
Paper Gift Shopping Bag Making Machine
Kraft Paper Bag Making Machine
Flat & Satchel Paper Bag Machine
And many more!

You can find these styles of machines from various vendors, at various price points and with different levels of specs and certifications based on your individual requirements. 

Why should we import those paper bag machines from China?
There are a number of reasons it makes sense for companies around the globe to import industrial machinery from China. One of the biggest reasons is that machines made in China, even when you add in shipping costs, are generally much less expensive than machinery made in other countries. The low cost of these machines helps businesses save money and reduce the cost of the manufacturing process which is good for both the business using the machines and the consumers it serves as it helps keep the price of good down.

China is also a very easy and inexpensive country to ship from. There are both air and sea shipping options from China and these options are usually less expensive than other methods, even from closer manufacturers. Clearing these products into your country is usually very easy and inexpensive as well with products from China as opposed to other countries. China is also a huge country in the world economy so creating relationships and working with Chinese vendors may help your business down the line in other aspects of global trade.

Those paper bag machine manufacturer can manufacture different kinds of paper bag machine according to the market needs.

Why choose is a leading comprehensive third-party B2B e-commerce platform that has been doing business in global trade since 1998. It connects businesses from around the world with high-quality Chinese machinery to help a multitude of industries who engage in global trade. It has products in 27 categories, 3,600 sub-categories and the website is presented in 11 different languages.

Their mission is to facilitate global trade between worldwide buyers and Chinese suppliers, to provide accurate and dependable information on Chinese products and suppliers to global buyers, and to help buyers and suppliers communicate and do business with each other effectively and efficiently.

Health and Safety Certifications
The paper bag producing machines you find on our platform are machines of the highest quality and that conform to all the major health and safety regulations you need in your region. Here are some of the most important marks and certifications that you can find on the paper bag machinery here.

CE Marking
A CE Marking is a certification mark that is required in the European Economic Area (EEA) and is seen on products in the North and South American, Asia and elsewhere. This marking means that a product meets the legal standards of the European Union (EU). The certification has been around since 1985 and ensures that products and equipment comply to all local regulations such as the low-voltage directive for electrical machinery.

SGS Certification
SGS is a certification that provides certification, verification, and inspection services around the world that is based in Switzerland. They offer a wide range of certifications in many categories such as quality, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental performance, customer satisfaction, health and safety, and food safety. 

QMS Certification
A Quality Management System (QMS) certification is based on an ISO 1911 audit to ensure that a company adheres to the highest standards of business process and not only meet the standards of their customers but provide a high level of customer satisfaction.

MD & LVD Compliant
This is a certification that says machinery is compliant with Machinery Directives (MD) and Low Voltage directives (LVD). These are directives used throughout Europe and elsewhere that ensure that electrical equipment conforms to set voltage limits. This is designed to guarantee user safety and limit the ecological impact of electrical products.

China’s Paper Making Culture
China not only has a rich history of papermaking, but they are also the country that invented it. Cai Lun, a member of the Eastern Han Dynasty, is widely credited as the inventor of modern paper, sometime in the 2nd century (even though there is archaeological evidence that paper was invented even earlier in China). Since that time China has contributed to the spread of paper in neighboring countries and around the world. They have also, in more recent times, been on the cutting edge of mechanical paper production throughout the years. With this kind of history and culture around papermaking, where better to get your paper bag making machinery from than China?

Jiangsu Nanjiang Machinery Co., Ltd
One example of the types of companies you can find producing paper bag machines on is Jiangsu Nanjiang Machinery Co., Ltd. This company is a pioneer in the paper bag machine industry and has been producing these machines since 1998. Today, they make a wide range of equipment used by printing and packaging manufacturers to produce eco-friendly paper bags for a number of industries. Their machines are in use in over 70 countries and regions around the world. They pride themselves on providing high-quality, professionally tested machines that produce quality and low-cost paper bags. Importers of Jiangsu Nanjiang Machinery Co., Ltd manufactures Kentucky, McDonald, H&M and other brand paper bags.

Paper bag comes out and soars after the eco-friendly call. This demand makes paper bag machine appear and the industry of paper bag machine manufacturing. If you want to survive and make profits from the market, you need to have a pair of smart business brain and smell.

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