Mr Salehinia deputy minister of Industry, Trade and Mines said that automobile industry has launched manufacture of EUR 5 standard meeting automobile with the EUR 5 gasoline supply to the market nationwide.
Mr Salehi said about the latest situation of manufacture of EUR 5 standard automobiles with EUR 5 gasoline production in domestic oil refineries that currently, EUR 4 and EUR 5 standard gasoline production has been started in some domestic refineries.
Economic and Industry Deputy of Minister of Industry, Trade and Mines said that according to the statement by National Iranian Oil Refining & Distribution Company, nationwide euro gasoline will be supplied in gasoline stations. He added that domestic automakers should consider manufacture of automobiles with compliance to new standard.
This authority said that EUR 5 standard compliant automobile manufacture has been launched in some domestic automakers and added that with increased EUR 5 gasoline production, euro standard meeting automobiles will be widely supplied to market.
In answering to Mehr News question that, in the case of any delay in automakers supply of EUR 5 automobiles, will there be any imports of fuel efficient vehicles in customs tariffs, he said that there is no restrictions on orders of fuel efficient or hybrid vehicles. However, he added that domestic automakers launch rapid manufacture of EUR 5 vehicles according to schedule.