Trade Resources Industry Views Man Has Attempted to Recreate The Cloud'smysterioustexture and Weightlessness

Man Has Attempted to Recreate The Cloud'smysterioustexture and Weightlessness

Throughout history man has attempted to recreate the cloud'smysterioustexture and weightlessness. Although mankind has come close, how possible is it to show a cloud's formation and airy demeanor? In something thattruly only exists as a visible mass of tiny liquid drops perfectly suspended in the atmosphere, this is quite the artist's challenge.

Cloud: Recreating an Electrical Cloud with 6, 000 Incandescent Lights


The chemicalcomponentsof the atmosphere and the planetary body in which it hovers above need to be just right to maintain a cloud's shape. Maybe the same was true for Alberta, Canada Caitlind r.c. Brown, inventor of the interactive light sculpture made from 6,000 light bulbs.


Video:CLOUD: 6,000 Light Bulbs by Caitlind r.c. Brown 

On September 15th, Caitlind attempted his recreation of the cloud and although not light in weight, there was light!  CLOUD's large-scale interactive installation illuminated its surroundings at Calgary's Olympic Plaza between the hours of 7pm – 3am. Made from steel, metal pull-strings and 6,000+ illuminated and burnt out lightbulbs, this hands on experience allowed theparticipants to creating the flickering aesthetics of an electrical cloud.

For more information on the CLOUD's design, visit: The Incandescent Cloud

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Cloud: Recreating an Electrical Cloud with 6, 000 Incandescent Lights
Topics: Lighting