Trade Resources Industry Views Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Was Introduced in London

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Was Introduced in London

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme(FHRS),which provides information about hygiene standards in the places where people eat out or do their food shopping,has been launched in London.

This national scheme was introduced by the Food Standards Agency(FSA)in partnership with local authorities in England,Wales and Northern Ireland.

Under the scheme,the hygiene standards are rated on a scale following inspections by local council food safety officers.

The scale ranges from 0 at the bottom(which indicates'urgent improvement necessary')to a top rating of 5('very good').The ratings are displayed in the window,on the door,or as a certificate.They are also available at FSA's website.

FSA chair Jeff Rooker said that people living,working or holidaying in London will be able to use the scheme in the knowledge that the same standards have been used to evaluate food hygiene across the country.

"Telling consumers about hygiene standards in food outlets gives them greater choice and the power to vote with their feet-they are able to choose to eat at the places with the highest standards and avoid those that don't meet the grade,"Rooker added.



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Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Launched in London