If bright lights such as'fluorescents'and halogen lights make you queasy and uneasy you may be part of the select few that suffer from light sensitivity. This may sound like the start to an infomercial, but don’t worry it’s not. The Support Group for Sun Sensitive People states that “People with lupus are most known for being sensitive to indoor lighting like fluorescent or other lighting in large warehouse type stores, but other people with sun sensitivity (photosensitivity) can also be sensitive to UV rays from lighting.”
The Photobiology Unit at the University of Dundee in Dundee, UK has completed a series of tests with the Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL), Energy-Efficient Halogens (EEH) and Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and have found that LED bulbs give off the least amount of UV levels. Learn more in the recent article by RSC.org’s Chemistry World division that compares energy saving light bulbs and the effects of UV emissions on those with with photosensitive skin. Also check out RSC Publishing’s website, they offer an in depth comparison report of the bulbs and their UV levels.
Cartoon courtesy of:Light Bulb Cartoon by Cartoon Stock