Trade Resources Industry Views Alpha Spots Are Added by Passion Pit to Its Tour

Alpha Spots Are Added by Passion Pit to Its Tour

Lighting designer Jason Rothberg has selected the Clay Paky Alpha Spot QWO 800 fixtures for the current tour of indietronica band Passion Pit. Atomic Lighting of Lititz, Pennsylvania supplied the lights, which are garnering raves from Rothberg on the road.

Passion Pit is continuing its national tour after releasing its second LP, Gossamer. More dates are planned for 2013.

"I've never toured with Clay Paky lights, but these have been fantastic," Rothberg reports. "They're different from other lights of this type. They are smaller and brighter, and the zoom is amazing. They can go from a super tight beam to a super fat beam in an instant. They're brighter than anything else we've encountered."

Rothberg, who is also the tour's lighting programmer, had previous positive experiences with Clay Paky 700 fixtures but calls the 800 units "even better". He's deploying them in a V-shape in truss towers "like a pyramid. The rig wraps around the band - they like to be tight together".

Francesco Romagnoli, Clay Paky area manager for North and Latin America, comments, "We're proud to see the QWO 800s have been embraced so quickly. I look forward to seeing the fixture on many more tours."

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Passion Pit Adds Alpha Spots to Its Tour
Topics: Lighting