BISSO MARINE, LLC, a premier provider of energy and maritime support services, is pleased to announce the acquisition of three offshore construction assets: the 800 ton capacity derrick barge, Ex-IOS 800; the combination derrick laybarge Ex-IOS PIPELINER and the 400’ x 100’ accommodations/support barge Ex-INTERNATIONAL FRONTIER.
The barges will be in the shipyard and drydocked to receive some modifications and upgrades during the next few weeks and will be renamed before being put into service in June 2013.
Since 1890, BISSO MARINE has provided quality services to the marine and energy industries, offering marine construction, pipe laying, salvage, heavy lift and diving services. With offices and strategic alliances located across the Gulf Coast, South America, Europe and Asia, the BISSO MARINE fleet is uniquely positioned to provide a full range of maritime services and emergency response across the globe.