The Australian Road Transport Industrial Organisation has welcomed the opportunity provided by the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal to respond to its first draft annual work program,which was released earlier this month.
ARTIO secretary/treasurer,Philip Lovel AM said:"ARTIO has made a written response to this draft work program and has taken the opportunity to appear before the Full Bench of the tribunal,which sat for the first time today.
In representing ARTIO before the tribunal as its advocate,Travis Degen said ARTIO supports in principle the draft work program as published and specifically stressed its support for the priority it has given to investigating long-distance freight.
ARTIO stressed that as the tribunal is in its establishment phase,it is important that this work program focuses on building relationships,ensuring it has the resources to undertake nominated initiatives as well as identifying key issues and priorities by using an evidence-based approach.
ARTIO also suggests that the tribunal not be overly prescriptive in terms of how it conducts its work beyond ensuring that it sets a time frame that is based on the evidence before it and the likely complexity of any investigation."
Mr Lovel said the ARTIO is committed to working with the tribunal and to understanding how it will go about its work,especially in terms of industry engagement.
"As evidence of this commitment,representatives from ARTIO as well as its NSW,
Victorian and Queensland branches also attended this sitting of the tribunal as observers of its proceedings.
"ARTIO wishes the tribunal well in its quest to focus on improved safety outcomes in the industry,"Mr Lovel said.(106)