Trade Resources Market View 1st Read The Project Description of The 2 Notebook Planner

1st Read The Project Description of The 2 Notebook Planner

Help Design a 2 Notebook Planner - Today Only

So here is another cool project over on Quirky that you can participate on.  If you are unaware of Quirky, it is basically a social sourced product development website that lets you the participant contribute your knowledge and ideas in order to gain influence, or an actual % of every dollar earned for each unit that is potentially sold that you contributed ideas to, or voted for.

Help Design a 2 Notebook Planner - Today Only_1

Usually the projects on Quirky run for about a week, however I found this one kind of late and it ends today, so I wanted to share and figured I'd give you a step by step on how to participate assuming you have already read one of the previous posts here that showed you how to register for free on Quirky.

1st Read the project description of the 2 Notebook Planner that outlines the problem that this project is trying to solve for.

2nd Head over to the concept phase page where users have already submitted a variety of different sketches and prototypes to solve the problem outlined.  On this page you can vote for up to 3 different design concepts that you think best solve the problem.  Normally on this step of the process you could also submit your idea for how to solve for the problem, but since there are only a few hours of voting left, I don't think that would be the best use of time for this particular project.

3rd Now it is a waiting game to see which concept received the most votes and won.  After the concept is chosen, you will later be able to vote on things like a product name, product color scheme, tag line, and also participate in a survey that helps to judge things like features you would want, how/when you would use the product and how much you would pay for it.

Once all is said and done and you have voted and / or contributed your on ideas to the project, you will find out your total "influence" that you contributed to the project, which will correlate to your eventual % of each sale that you will earn if the product is produced.

I love the concept of the Quirky site, and on occasion where I have had time, I've contributed and participated which to this point has earned me about $70.  Now if you have time and are creative, you can do much better than this, especially if you don't have a blog that you try and run…or if you are just better organized and better with your time than I am.  Either way, go visit the 2 Notebook Planner page and get started on contributing your office supply knowledge and expertise so you can influence this project, earn some money, and most importantly, have a say in what could be a pretty cool notebook and planner that you might be able to buy one day soon.

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Help Design a 2 Notebook Planner - Today Only
Topics: Office Supplies