Trade Resources Market View Study on ‘challenges From Competing Fibres' Is Initiated by ICAC

Study on ‘challenges From Competing Fibres' Is Initiated by ICAC

On the instruction of the 71st Plenary Meeting of the ICAC, the 521st Meeting of the Standing Committee has established a Task Force on the Challenges from Competing Fibers. Member governments are requested to nominate experts with subject matter knowledge of inter-fiber competition by January 20, 2013.

The purpose of the Task Force is to complete a specific study within a defined time frame, relying on the expertise of fiber industry experts brought together under the ICAC mandate. The Task Force should investigate challenges and opportunities created by competition between cotton and other fibers, and make recommendations for action to improve the competitive performance of the cotton industry.

It is envisioned that the work of the Expert Panel will result in a report to the Standing Committee in June 2013 that can serve as a guide for further action by governments and industry as deemed appropriate. Simultaneously, the Secretariat is recruiting potential participants. It is expected that between 5 and 7 people will be recruited, sufficient for effective operation.

The Task Force will conduct its business via E-mail and teleconference calls, with the Secretariat providing logistical support. Nominations should be sent to the Secretariat via Coordinating Agencies or Standing Committee Delegates by January 20, 2013.

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ICAC initiates study on ‘Challenges from Competing Fibres’