Trade Resources Market View China Has Selected 18 Initial Demonstration Zones for Installing Distributed PV Systems

China Has Selected 18 Initial Demonstration Zones for Installing Distributed PV Systems

Tags: PV system, Energy

China's National Energy Administration has selected 18 initial demonstration zones for installing distributed PV systems during 2013-2015, with total installation reaching 1.823GWp, of which 749MWp will be completed in 2013, according to China-based 21st Century Herald.

The selection is based on a major criterion that as much as possible of the power generated is for own use and the remaining is for public supply through local power grids, the paper indicated.

China's central government will offer a feed-in-tariff (FIT) rate of CNY0.42 (US$0.069)/kWh for the power sent to grids, and local governments are likely to offer additional subsidies, the paper aded.

EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) cost for installing PV systems is estimated at about CNY8/W, the paper said, adding if installation entails remodeling of roofs, EPC cost will rise to CNY9-10/W.

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China Selects 18 Initial Distributed PV System Zones
Topics: Lighting , Metallurgy