A series of dedicated one day training courses will cover all of the Portable Appliance Testing and Risk Assessment implications of the new 4th Edition of the IEE Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment.
The special courses, hosted by electrical safety testing specialist Seaward, are designed to improve understanding of duty holder responsibilities under the Electricity At Work Regulations 1989
PAT testing
The introductory Portable Appliance Testing course is designed enable both electrical and non-electrical personnel to gain an understanding of the basic principles of PAT testing and provide practical, hands-on, experience of inspection and testing.
The course will equip delegates with sufficient technical knowledge to be able to carry out testing of electrical appliances and maintain comprehensive records in line with the industry advice and guidance.
The course content will include carrying out formal visual inspections, using the various electrical safety tests, identifying different faults, testing different types of equipment and understanding test intervals.
8th March - Banbury
11th March – Daventry
13th March – Chester
26th March - Carlisle
Risk assessment for PAT
The focus on a risk based approach to workplace electrical safety testing introduced by the new IEE Code of Practice puts a new emphasis on the roles of the dutyholder and the person performing the inspection and testing and in the determination of retest intervals.
This one day course is designed to help those involved develop a full and thorough understanding of the 5 step process of risk assessment advised by the Health & Safety Executive and its application to portable appliance testing.
Course content will include the risk assessment process and the factors involved, the requirements of different electrical equipment in different circumstances and practical assessment exercises.
5th March – Exeter
6th March – Cardiff
7th March – BanburyCrawley
12th March – Daventry
14th March – Chester
27th March - Carlisle
On completion, successful participants in the training courses will receive a certificate of completion issued by the Seaward Group.
New dates and venues are constantly being added for the months ahead.