Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau announced that starting July 1 this year,all LED bulbs and LED lamp components that are exported to Japanese market must have safety mark of PSE.As an emerging and fast developing industry,LED industry has seen controversy and disputes in terms of a great portion of concepts and performance testing metrics.In recent years,the US and EU have introduced multiple technical standards and codes,reckons a director from Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.It is estimated that in 2011,Shenzhen exported 1,002 batches of light source and luminaires with the value reaching$50.6095 million.The requirement of PSE market will have an unavoidable effect on China's export of related products.The Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau requires high attention from related export enterprises to this new directive and recommends that those export enterprises should study closely on foreign markets'related laws,codes and standards to ensure a proper responding act when necessary.Meanwhile,export enterprises should keep active communication with clients and clarify the product certification and liability for breach of contract in specific items in the contract.In addition,export enterprises should act initiatively to know the local market development situation and choose qualified certification organization to conduct product testing and certification work.