Delmatic has upgraded its range of Dali lighting management modules including the all-new Metro Dali Buswire Module.
The new module provides addressable switching, dimming & monitoring of Dali luminaires along a common buswire, and includes more powerful control and monitoring features as well as adopting the clip-in modular hardware approach seen on other Delmatic modules.
The module provides enhanced functionality including integrated Dali scene-setting as well as powerful Dali emergency light testing and monitoring. The module incorporates distributed intelligence and ISO open protocol Lon technology enabling Dali sub-networks to form a seamless and interoperable part of a building-wide energy management system which is the foundation of integrated building management.
The new Dali Buswire module forms part of Delmatic’s comprehensive range of Dali products including Dali plug-in modules and Dali Broadcast modules (which avoid the need to address Dali ballasts on site), our unique Dali Zero Power plug-in modules, and a variety of Dali devices including presence detectors, multi-sensors, switches and scene-set panels.