Trade Resources Market View Motorola Will Publish High-Tech Smart Moto X

Motorola Will Publish High-Tech Smart Moto X

MOTOROLA's high-tech smart phones will publish Moto X to compete with Samsung and Apple. The main difference with the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S4 is the intelligent sensor. On Thursday (May 30), the subsidiary of Google, MOTOROLA director Dennis Woodside said on D11, this phone can perceive its surroundings, to predict user need next.

Moto X will be available in October 2013, made in USA, and its processor, display screen and other important parts are provided by manufacturers outside of Asia.

In 2011, Google paid $12.5 billion to takeover MOTOROLA which the purpose is to increase patent technology besides android. MOTOROLA also hope this Acquisition will prompt it into a high-tech smart phone maker. In the competition with Samsung and Apple, the market share of MOTOROLA is only a few percent.


Written by Dora Men

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