Taking Control is the final evening in this year's calendar of the Society of Light and Lighting's events that inform, educate and debate trends in lighting.
This pre-Christmas event includes a chance for the science behind the ideas to be demonstrated.
The speakers will be Wayne Howell of Artistic Licence, Brian Cuthberson of Multiload Technology and Richard Perry of Lucy Zodion.
The evening will be introduced by Peter Phillipson
Wayne, the inventor of the lighting protocol Art-Net, a method of distributing DMX512 over an Ethernet system, will be demonstrating and explaining lighting protocols including ACN, sACN, Show-Net, Ki-Net as well as comparing DMX512 with DALI. His company Artristic Licence, who make many control devices and are world leaders in DMX512, took the pre-existing badly launched protocol DALI, which hitherto had left many out in the cold and made new programming products especially for it. The advantages and disadvantages of both protocols will be discussed and demonstrated.
Analogue control is rarely mentioned in this digital world, but as Brian Cuthbertson will explain, it need not be old fashioned. The latest state of the art analogue systems will be explained and their niche use in very high specification tungsten halogen and LED lighting schemes will be demonstrated.
Photo-electric controls have improved leaps and bounds recently.
Successive batches of cells can be made so accurately that entire schemes of individually switched street lights can turn on and off within one minute in their hundreds. But beyond this systems exist that can feed back data on every luminaire in an entire town. Richard Perry will be demonstrating a live link up with the lighting of an entire city.