There are a number of kitchen cabinet manufacturers whose products bear the certification seal of the KCMA, the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association. The KCMA is a trade organization dedicated to supporting the cabinet industry and its associated suppliers. The KCMA certifies kitchen cabinets based on a series of tests performed in accordance with industry standards established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the KCMA. Cabinets that meet these standards carry the blue and white seal signifying KCMA certification. One thing to note however is that not all producers of kitchen cabinets choose to become certified since it's a voluntary program. Cabinet makers whose products aren't certified shouldn't be judged to have inferior products either. What certification does for you is that it identifies cabinet products that have met a set of standards established by the cabinet industry to represent quality and durability. More information on the KCMA's certification can be found here at the KCMA Performance Testing & Certification Directory web page. Helpful information on the KCMA website includes a list of KCMA members (cabinet makers and related industry suppliers) as well as a listing of manufacturers with products that are KCMA-certified. There's also a consumer information section but it's somewhat sparse. However the cabinet manufacturer directory is helpful particularly with regard to the list of certified cabinet makers and links to their websites. Source: Home Style Choices