The state of New York recently passed a bill banning TCEP (Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate), a flame retardant, in Child Care Products for children under 3 years of age. Such products may include car seats, strollers, nursing pillows, crib mattresses, toys, and other baby products.
As required by this new law, now the Environmental Conservation Laws of New York Article 37 Title 7, starting Dec 1, 2013, no one shall sell any child care product intended for use by a child three years of age or younger containing TCEP. This ban is not applicable to resale products.
Please also be notified that another flame retardant, TRIS (Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate), has been banned in children's garments by the CPSC since 1977. TRIS-treated children's garments are considered hazardous and should not be sold in the US.