Trade Resources Industry Knowledge New Version of The Standard of GB4943-2011 of CCC Certification

New Version of The Standard of GB4943-2011 of CCC Certification

The new standards of CCC certification on Information Technology Equipments and Telecommunication Terminal Equipments,GB4943.1-2011 has been promulgated on Dec. 30th ,2011,,and will be implemented on Dec. 1st , 2012, instead of the old version of GB4943-2001.The details as the following,

1 From the promulgated date of new version of the standards to Nov. 30th, 2012, applicant can choose the certification applications based on any old or new version of the standards, And from Dec.1st, 2012, CQC will be no longer to accept the application based on the old version of the standards and issue the certificate base on the new version of the standards.

2 For those certificates which have been issued based on the old version of the standards, the certificates holders should make a version change certification application to CQC , do the sample test if needed and also finish the confirmation of the new version of the standards. Version Change certification should be finished after the implementation date of the new version standards and before the finishing date of the first follow-up inspection(including the terms of correction ), the certificates should be suspended if the application for change is not finished in this term which mentioned above.For those certificates which have been issued based on the old version of GB4943 standards, version change certification should be finished before Dec.1st, 2013, the certificates should be suspended if the version Change certification is not finished in this date which mentioned above, and will be withdrawn if it still not finish on Mar.1st , 2014.

3 For those certificates which have been issued based on the old version of GB4943 and also the certified products which have been already manufactured, marketed and not produced anymore before Dec.1st , 2012, there is no need to change the certificates.

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Notice on Implementing New Version of The Standard of GB4943-2011 of CCC Certification
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