By now we should known that there are hundreds types of castors available in the market. Choosing the right type of castor from such a wide range is seems to be a very difficult task. But one of the best ways to select the best type of castor that properly suits your industrial application is to buy castors by inspecting its material. By examining different types of material, you can determine which material will suit your industrial application in the best possible way. With the increasing technology, many new types of materials have been invented for producing different types of industrial castors. Moreover, there are many manufacturers who are specialized in producing wide range of industrial castors that are created from different types of material. Depending on the function and durability of the castor wheel, most of the manufacturers use a certain type of material for producing high quality castors for different types of industrial units. The material, function and quality of the castors ultimately decide the working conditions as well as the life span of the industrial application.
Rubber castor: rubber castor is the most dynamic product for any production unit. As rubber can survive the constant condition of deformation, it absorbs 90% of the friction that is caused due to handling movement of the industrial application. One of the most important qualities of rubber is its elasticity. The elasticity of this material provides long lasting performance to the application. Equipments that required regular movements are mostly attached with rubber castors on them.
Nylon castor: nylon castor is emerging as the most popular product for most of the industrial applications. Nylon material has high resistance to abrasion which make it the best material for surface to surface contact. Nylon is a silky material which not only provides durability to the wheel but also provides smooth friction to the floor surface.
Aluminium castor: aluminium castor is mostly used to carry light load for many small and medium production units. Although it is light in weight, it has excellent strength to carry maximum load for any application. The light weight of this castor increases the mobility and portability of the application.
Polyurethane castor: right from toys to air planes, Polyurethane is imparting its effective contribution in every industrial field. Polyurethane is a technical material which is engineered by expert professional. Castors created from this material are highly durable and sturdy which increases the expected life of any industrial application.