As people realize the advantages of using CFLs, the traditional incandescent lamps seem to be on their way out. Here are the benefits of using these lamps, for those of you who may still be having apprehensions of using such lamps.
Reduced electricity bills
CFL gives more light per watt of consumption as it generates 90% less heat than traditional GLS lamps. That reduces electricity bills by almost 80 %, compared to normal incandescent lamp, which has come to known as a power hungry lamp in modern times. CFL is the most energy efficient light source.
Superior luminous efficiency
For the same consumption of electricity, CFL gives more light, as compared to GLS lamp. An 11W CFL turns out about 540-580 lumens, compared to 710 lumens of a 60W GLS lamp.
Extended life
The life range of CFL varies from 3000 hours to 12000 hours, whereas GLS lamps have a standard life range of 960 hours to 1200 hours only.
Available in different color temperatures
You can get CFL lamp to suit different ambience requirements. These are easily available in Warm White (2700°K), that’s very much like GLS lamp, Cool White (4300°K) and Cool Day White (6500°K), which is comparable to tube light.
Enhances color rendering: With CFL lights on, you’ll see the objects in their true and natural colors. Color Rendering Index (CRI) is more than 80.
Lower installation cost. Most often a CFL can be fixed in the existing installation itself, there is no installation expense.
Lower replacement cost: Because of their long life, they don’t need replacements as frequently, keeping the maintenance expense low. This is of great help for large commercial establishments where the lighting arrangement is quite often at elevated levels and labor expense is high.
Less heat dissipation: Unlike the GLS lamps, the CFLs convert more energy into light than heat thus helping to reduce the expense of cooling the room.
Universal burning position: These are more adaptable lamps than others having constraint like, metal halide lamp.
Enhance esthetics of the installation: These are trendy and compact.
Slim and compact design: Makes them appropriate for creative luminaries.
Availability in wide range to suit all requirements: You can have these in 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, & 26W as compared to limited working range of 15, 25, 40, 60, 75, & 100W in GLS lamps.
Demand side reduction for power: Using CFLs reduces energy consumption by 80%. On making calculations you will appreciate that by just replacing a 100W GLS lamp by 20W CFL you save approximately 800 KW Hrs over CFL lamp’s average life.
Most beneficial for DG set operations: As CFL consumes the lowest wattage per lamp.
Their storage and distribution is economical: Because of their compacted size.
Environment friendly: As they save power, you generate smaller power that helps to reduce levels of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emitted from the power generating thermal units. That surely improves the quality of human life and natural environs.