| Polishing is a process that can either be done by hand or with a polishing machine. The aim of polishing is to create a shiny and smooth surface of an object by rubbing it or using some sort of chemical action. Once polished a surface will have a significant specular reflection. With objects made from materials such as glass, metal or stone, the polishing process will also reduce the diffuse reflection to a minimum. |
Polishing is not difficult to master and with the correct accessories such as abrasives and waxes anyone can do it to a very high standard by hand. But with a polishing machine the job can be done even better in a shorter amount of time. Polishing machines have been designed and manufactured by their relative companies to be user friendly and very easy to use.
Types of Polishing Machine
Each polishing machine has it’s own individual characteristics dependant upon it’s intended use. As well as there being machines of very simple design, there are also polishing machines with laps, wet blasting machines and centrifugal machines.
With a polishing machine that has laps the polishing is done by having a rotating lap attached and mounted on to a spindle on the machine. Here the item that requires polishing is secured, usually to a workbench of some shape or form, and the lap is moved over the surface of this item doing the polishing. The laps for these polishing machines tend to be made from soft metal, wood, felt or leather. | |
| When using the laps you can either bond the polishing and lapping materials to the laps themselves or you can wait and add the materials during the finishing process. A wet blasting polishing machine is where an item that needs polishing is placed inside a chamber. The item is then blasted with jets of liquid that are saturated with an abrasive of some sort. The muzzle of this type of polishing machine will work its way slowly along the whole length of the item continually pushing out jets of the abrasive mixed liquid throughout the whole polishing process. |
A centrifugal polishing machine is one that is used to polish items that are of a complex design. They have a container that is filled with an abrasive powder of some sort or suspension. Inside the chamber the item that needs to be polished is fixed and the container rotates. Whilst rotating the abrasive inside the container moves freely and polishes the item. When it comes to wood work and the furniture industry and carpentry in particular there are 2 types of polishing machine that are used. One is for the polishing of the wood and the other for polishing the paints and varnishes used as coatings on the wood.For polishing the wood this polishing machine will have one or more pads attached to a working head which is rotated by a motor. For the polishing of paint and varnish coatings the polishing machine will have a soft rotating drum that is made out of cloth of some sort. These machines are good also for polishing edges and hard to get to places. | |
The Polishing Machine Today
By far the most popular choice of polishing machine today is that of the orbital polisher.
| The uses for the orbital polisher are vast. They can be used on many materials and offer the user an effortless means of polishing to a high standard. Pictured we have the Flex positive drive orbital polisher by Flex that is a polishing machine suitable to give you professional standard polishing. The Dual action polishing system on this machine removes all swirls and scratches from a surface with ease. As well as performing it’s working tasks with ease, this polishing machine is also very easy to use. With features such as speed control, soft start, continuous speed trigger, restart protection, overload protection, temperature control and speed selection user will quickly adapt and master this machine. |
This machine also has 8 mm orbital rotation to ensure maximum efficiency and with it’s low heat generation on the surface being polished, it is ideal to use with temperature sensitive paints on such things as cars.
How to Choose Accessories
Owning and using a polishing machine on it’s own is not enough to create the perfect polishing job. Every polishing machine requires accessories in the form of cutting pads, swirl remover compound, polishing pads, polishing liquids, finishing pads and wax. The process of polishing is pretty much similar for any surface when using a hand held polishing machine.
So if you decide that you wish to work on your car, for example, you will require a polishing machine such as the small orbital polisher as your beginning point. You can buy these at very reasonable prices and even hire them by the day if you do not wish to make an initial investment in one. But do remember to include the accessories in your shopping list. Without them you will not be able to complete your polishing job. If going out with a shopping list is not your thing then you can simply save a lot of time and effort by just purchasing a complete polishing machine polishing kit such as this kit from UF. Meguiars have been in the business of making care car products for a long time now and are continually developing new products to deal with acid rain, sun rays, oxidation and swirls. | |
This is a complete kit that contains the products you need to clean, polish and protect paintwork. As well as these products there are the appropriate pads you require to apply all 3 products to the surface. And topped with the compact polishing machine you will find yourself with the complete polishing kit that you require for any job or DIY project that you wish to undertake.
The polishing machine comes in many different forms, With this site page we have merely touched on the types and uses that the polishing machine can be applied to. We have for now just concentrated on the orbital polisher but will as this site develops give more examples of the polishing machine, the uses and comprehensive write ups on how to use them.
Written by Nicolas Yang