Trade Resources Industry Knowledge A Boroscope Is an Important and Useful Optical Imaging and Video Device

A Boroscope Is an Important and Useful Optical Imaging and Video Device

A boroscope is an important and useful optical imaging and video device. It comes with a rigid tube, with an eyepiece on one end and an objective lens on the other end. The mechanism of the boroscope is simple. The objective lens forms an illuminated image of the object and is magnified by the eyepiece to present it to the viewer's eyes. It is a very useful device for purposes if inspection in places which are inaccessible to other similar inspection devices.

Boroscope inspection involves capturing still photos and videos during non-destructive inspection. The advantage of using a boroscope is that they yield a long depth of field. Moreover, these images can be easily printed out.

What is a video boroscope?

This is nothing but a boroscope fitted with an inspection camera at one end of the flexible or rigid tube. The insertion tube contains a light such that the optical device can penetrate into deep sections of the equipment under inspection. Once the device is inserted in the area of investigation, the motion and angle of view of the camera can be controlled by a joystick.

Boroscopes prove to be very useful in the industrial sector. Thus, most boroscopes now are suited for use in the industrial environment. They offer a range of functions with portable cameras and viewing options.

What are the different types of boroscopes?

Boroscopes can be broadly divided into two types- Rigid and Flexible types.

Rigid Boroscope: As the name suggests, this type of a device comes with a tube that does not bend and are available in different shapes, like a straight line, right angles, and others, to suit the needs of the user and the industry. These are the most common boroscopes in the industry and they provide great clarity of pictures and a high quality imaging.

Flexible Boroscope: This kind of a boroscope also proves to be very useful. It consists of optical fibres, in place of lenses, to transmit an image from the camera to the eyepiece. This helps the optical device with the property of flexibility. This however compromises on the quality of imaging. Flexible bioscopes are not as effective in imaging since they are not able to clearly distinguish between black and white hues.

Industries that use Boroscopes

The use of boroscopes is prominent in industries which require constant quality checks and also the mechanical sectors which require examination of machine parts. Some machines can only be analyzed by dissembling them. However, the work of the boroscope here is to reach the inaccessible parts of the machine without having to dissemble them. Aircraft mechanics makes use of this tool to analyze the engine turbines and other parts. The barrels of guns are examined by boroscopes before they are let out in the markets for sale to detect any defect in the barrel that may compromise the efficiency of the gun. Also, the construction industry uses these optical devices to check the presence of molds, pests or damp areas. Another interesting application of boroscopes lies in the examination of human bodies for medical purposes. Here, these devices are termed as endoscopes.

Boroscopes are emerging as great imaging devices that are able to capture the inaccessible parts of the machines and their parts. Coming in different forms and types, they are useful in several industries.

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Boroscopes, The Revelation in Imaging Technology
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