It is true that the technical progression is a double-edged blade and every new technical innovation motivated item or remedy in the market has its own benefits and drawbacks. When Biometric Access Control System came, individuals were thinking about its performance without attendant involvement. Places where signs up were managed and worker signatures were taken for Time and Attendance Software System most level of resistance, as then workers were expected to run their swap cards on exact efforts and there could not be any adjustment in terms writing wrong time on the presence sign-up. But see the beauty of progress in technology- same technical innovation which was giving guarantee to companies of documenting correct access and quit duration of each worker had given a remedy to workers of Proxies Attendance. It was a need centered remedy given by the same item designed other sensible for entirely a different objective.
Then Time and Attendance Software System Alternatives come into picture with a claim to address most of the proxy related issues in swap cards centered presence system, but then it has its own benefits and drawbacks. Its advantage of allowing an individual by confirming his exclusive biometric features like hand structure, eye, or retina is also a reason of some of its negative points. Following are some of the benefits and drawbacks of Biometric Access Control System:-
Some of the positives:
1. First and the most important advantage in support of a Biometric Access Control System is its ability to identify and confirm exclusive features of an individual. Whatever features are selected, to be confirmed through a biometric scanning device are exclusive to a particular customer and hence it's the most ideal and recommended way of authorizing individuals in a tight security atmosphere.
2. It is almost impossible to duplicate these features and hence the likelihood of some one taking the customer name and security password is decided out in this situation making it more efficient than security password centered Access Control System.
3. Then the most obvious advantage in this situation is for the companies as there is no probability of proxy presence in this technique, which was other sensible very easy in a card centered presence system.
4. There is no need for the employees to carry their swap cards or to remember their security passwords as while using a Biometric Access Control System they are actually carrying all their exclusive features along with them all enough time by standard.
5. Although there is a time period intensive procedure of applying each new workers features in the system when he/she connects, but repeating cost of clean credit cards along with its publishing is no more associated with it.
Some of the negatives:-
1. A Biometric Access Control System may not work in a Factory type of atmosphere, where workers working on various machines may get their greasy fingertips with oil or something like that. It may not be possible for Finger Recognition System to check out such with a dense greasy part on it.
2. A Biometric Access Control System with great FAR (false acceptance rate) may still cause a problem of allowing even illegal individuals inside the property. Hence it is better for a device to have a great FRR, rather than a higher FAR.
3. Although there is preserving on repeating expenses of clean swap cards for new workers in a biometric presence system, but still it includes a boring procedure of signing up of layouts of new workers in person.
Moreover preserving of exclusive biometric features of an individual is more of personal information, which can be seen as an intrusion of the users' comfort space. Many employees may think twice to use such a procedure.