Noise indicates company and everyone loves to be amongst good company. However, noise is not always a good sign. In fact, sometimes it can be a source of major distraction and even go to the extent of irritating you. Imagine a situation where you are working on an important project and the constant noise is making it impossible for you to concentrate. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it? To avoid such dire situations, the best way is to opt for soundproofing of the construction. Yes! Soundproofing is one of the simplest ways to prevent unwanted noise from bothering you. In fact, the biggest advantage of soundproofing is that it works both ways. External noise won't penetrate the room. But you can also make all the noise and avoid being heard on the outside
Soundproofing of the room can happen at two stages - before the construction or after the construction of an area. There are different materials available for soundproofing a premise. But you need to use your discretion based on the stage at which you opt for soundproofing.
Before construction
For those of you who have thought of soundproofing before the construction has begun, there are many options. You can use products like sound engineered dry wall or SED as it is commonly known. Different from the regular construction, a sound engineered dry wall allows you to stay peaceful even in the noisiest of environments. Such innovations work on the simple methodology of absorbing all the external sound before it starts to penetrate. This absorbency is a result of a special sealant used as a coat during constructing the wall. This coat and its benefits are applicable for the floor, walls and even ceiling. This means when you sit inside the room and seal the doors, almost nothing from the external world will be audible to you.
After construction
At a later stage during the construction, you can either opt for products that help absorb sound or else re-do the construction entirely to incorporate the soundproofing feature. Most property owners go for modifying the construction to get the sound proofing ability. The modification happens by applying coats of the sound proofing sealant to existing construction. Once dry and ready to use, this sealant gives your wall the ability to absorb sound extensively.
Other options
In fact, these days you have several other innovative options to choose from. Even the furniture within the house or office can be made using sound engineered plywood. Apart from that using thick glass and damping of sound through barriers, etc. are also some of the common soundproofing techniques. Sound proofing can be extended to doors and windows as well. In fact, almost every furniture of your premises can be modified to an extent and contribute to the overall soundproofing effect of the room.
The biggest advantage of soundproofing is the peace and quiet that you get. But apart from that insulating your premises offers several other advantages like lowered utility bills, a better capacity of the heating / cooling systems and a lot more. In fact, such insulations also increase the overall value of your property in the market.