With the increasing manufacture through different processes in all sorts of industries, the amount of squander being generated has also considerably risen. These leftovers when either solid or liquid can range from food products to chemical compounds as well produced during manufacturing. These leftovers when not disposed appropriately may lead to severe consequences on the environment and its inhabitants.
Although there are a number of solid trash managing methods and relevant organizations in place, yet in certain under developed areas or perhaps where this factor is not given much attention, the standard practices are often not followed and sometimes do not even exist.
Categories of Trash Disposal…
The solid squander is majorly divided into nine categories. The first one is degradable waste such as vegetable leftovers, banana peel and similar food-related trash that can easily get decomposed. Next in line are the non-degradable materials such as metals, plastics, glass and such alike that do not decompose. Another type of squander would be ashes from the industries and huge debris such as tress and leftovers from various manufacturing plants such as chemical, mining and agricultural industries. One of the most unlikable types is the dead animals and sewage wastes.
As per the categories there certainly are proper disposal methods available, however on the contrary it is also easy to observe the negative effects pertaining to each of the types when not disposed in a proper manner.
Certain Methods & Their Consequences…
A major part of the entire trash (nearly 90%) goes directly for land filling. Whereas burning (or incineration) is another most popular method for trash disposal, pursued by composting. Land filling is considered to be harmful when the site of filling is in a place where it ideally should not be, for instance near or around wetlands. Monitoring is another requirement to avoid hazards associated, since it is obligatory as per the standards that clay or a plastic liner should be used to prevent the trash from dribbling into the groundwater. Burning the trash can also have its own hazards such as release of the toxic substances into the air.
In addition to the foreseeable consequences, they may also be unexpected outcomes such as…
Risks of Epidemic…
Epidemics can be the result of improper monitoring and open pits wherein the diseases are spread by the bugs and rodents. There may also be a part of people around the fills and open pits that usually scavenge for food or any sort of useful things which ultimately makes the condition more likely for the diseases to spread.