In accordance with Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China [2010]No.2, GB24850-2010 Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades for Flat Panel Television (hereinafter referred to as New Standard ) will take effect on Dec. 1st. 2010. The related requirements are as follows,
1 Since this notice released, the enterprise can chose according to old or new standard before Dec. 1st 2010, after that the new standard must be implemented.
2 The certificate holders who hold the valid flat panel television certificate should submit the application for certificate transferring after Dec. 1st, 2010 and before the next follow-up inspection. The transferring of old certificate should be completed by Dec. 1st, 2011; if not, it will be suspended; if it failed to be replaced before March 1st 2012, then it will be withdrawn by CQC.
3 The application of transferring certificates do not need to have test again because the evaluating values of energy conservation for the old version are consistent with the new one. However, the following documents still be submitted.
1) Application
2) Original certificate
3) Copy of original test report
4 Note: according to item 4.4 of new standard, the power of stand-by mode for panel television should ≤0.5W from Jan. 1st, 2012. If the certificate does not meet this requirement, it will be suspended.