Just a boat ride down the Waitomo Glowworm Grotto in New Zealand will lead you to a special cave filled with millions of tiny little glowing worms. Upon entering the cave you may feel as if you have entered a completely new solar system, but really you never even left earth. But what are they?
Source: Just the Travel
It is not a worm at all, instead it is a larvae of an insect that goes by the name of the fungus gnat. In the words of the narrator from the video below, “It’s basically like a maggot with a glowing bum.” And sure this doesn’t sound so attractive, but once illuminated this collection of millions of bums in the dark cave in New Zealand look awfully stunning.
Source: Bubblews
The entire facade is created from the fungus gnats webs, clustered together they create a sort of… glowing interconnected chandelier of webs and glowing larvae pieces. Sure to be one of the world’s most unusual amazing wonders. Visit Waitomo Glowworm Grotto for more information.
Source: Addictioneer